Introducing yourself on zoom: why?
Make the most of your Zoom meeting by presenting yourself, which company or department you represent, and an email to send you documents before or after the meeting, and finish on a productive and positive note, ready for the meeting.
Prepare a respectful and concise text to copy and paste in the chat of the Zoom conference
(see Chatting on Zoom)
The following is an example of how to introduce yourself to an international meeting with different languages. We provide below a template introduction in English, and its localisation (translation) in French
Template Introduction for international Zoom conferences
Ladies & Gentlemen, all protocols observed,
my name is (Title) FAMILY-NAME First-Name(s),
signing in as director/representative
of organisation/department/services.
Please send all relevant documentation to
I look forward to a productive meeting together.
What is your On Screen Handle?
On-screen-handle is how you appear in the list of participants to the zoom event. Please look at it and modify it to be as helpful as possible to other.
If this is your first zoom conference, and you can’t find your name…
…look at the list of participants. If you are joining from a mobile phone, you may appear in the list of participants as the name or brand and model of your phone.
If you still can’t find yourself, notice that in the list of participants there is a microphone icon next to each name. This icon can be ‘on’ or ‘mute’.
As a participant, you can mute or unmute yourself using the microphone button in the bottom left corner of the Zoom window. This will change your icon in the list of participants, showing you where and how you appear to others in the meeting.
By activating then muting the microphone from the button on the bottom left corner of the Zoom windows, you change your icon in the list of participants. If there are more than 6 participants, you may have to scroll through the list to find your icon.
Remember to do this quickly, quietly and in a quiet environment: if the mic is on, everyone in the meeting can hear everything you say, every sound you make and every indiscreet breath you take.
Introducing yourself in French, a template for international Zoom meetings
Mesdames et messieurs, tous protocoles observés,
Je, Titre NOM-DE-FAMILLE Prénom-Deuxième-Prénom,
en tant que directeur-représentant-fonction-poste,
fait acte de présence pour l’organisation/le département/le service.
Merci de bien faire parvenir toute documentation à
Bonne réunion à tous.
Nom-d-écran (cf OnScreenHandle)